Tuesday, January 20, 2009


No matter what your political view, today is a momentous day in the history of our country.
A black man will lead the free world.

Racism will not be solved.
The economy will not suddenly get better.
Wars will not cease.

It is just a man, a sinful, broken man, who will place his hand on the Word of God and make a bunch of promises. 
The biggest moment today will be when you decide whether to complain and debate about policies, decide to place all your hope in just a man, or decide to fall on your knees and pray for the leadership of our country.

What will today mean to you?
~~taken from Ragamuffin Soul, 1.20.09

1 comment:

rob gage said...

I think for many, today represented a day of inspiration. I am proud of how far our country has come and I pray that Obama will lead with integrity and honor.