Maybe you stepped into your very first community group a month or so ago. Or, maybe you’ve been in many groups in the past or have been in your current group for a while now. In any case, it’s likely you’ve wondered WHAT a community group is all about. WHAT do you do? WHAT do you talk about? WHAT is the point?
You may have guessed that there are many answers to those questions. Each group can take on a life that looks different from the next, but we don’t want to leave you hanging. For a little inspiration on WHAT a community group is all about, here are two stories (from one of our partners, Buckhead Church. ) of groups who got creative and in turn had an incredible impact on the lives of their group members and those around them.
WHAT is Community? Community is SERVING.
Community group leader Tonia Hau and the Buckhead Church Ladies’ Daytime Community Groups organized a school supply drive for Woodson Elementary. All the donations were delivered and on display in the school auditorium on the Sunday before school began. Enough donations were collected to fill both sides of the stage with supplies and every donated backpack as well!
On the morning of the first day of school, an assembly took place to welcome the kids, and they were able to see the brand new supplies. After the assembly, children in need were allowed to go on stage and help themselves at the “School Supply Store.”
The principal of Woodson said the donations were such an answered prayer because they had more than one hundred students expected from a closed down housing development who would enter with absolutely nothing in hand. All leftover donations were distributed to the teachers for their classrooms.
WHAT is Community? Community is SHARING LIFE.
Community group leaders Courtney and Ron Defeo and their group have 12 adults and together will have 15 kids under the age of seven before the group concludes. In Courtney’s words, they all “desperately want some guidance and parenting advice for now and later stages.”
So, group member Anne Griffith suggested they invite older, wiser couples with grown kids to come speak to the group. During the month of June, the group had 5 different couples talk with them.
“I would suggest every group does this,” says Courtney. “It was great to shake up the ’study a book’ mold and fun to ask questions that were on our hearts.”
To wrap it all up, the group met to go over their key learnings and favorite tips from the couples.
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